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Sept. 5 2019
We are less than one month from opening the robots to the "feed only" phase to prepare for milking. We have had several meetings getting our minds right and schedules put together for the startup of our...
Aug. 16 2019
At the beginning of my fall semester in 2018, my only concerns were keeping up with classes and dairy judging
Aug. 8 2019
We have done a few tours over the years for other dairy farmers, federal and state representatives, friends, and our own family. Up to this point, we have never really given tours to the public
May 7 2019
Last week, I was in one of our manufacturing plants changing a line over and one of the men, who was very much my senior, mentioned as he worked next to me that I was “tough.”
April 29 2019
The first day of school. Getting your driver’s license. Graduation day. Each is new beginning that comes with responsibility and new experiences
April 1 2019
Attracting quality candidates for a job is a top complaint among those looking to hire employees
Dec. 6 2018
Via trains, planes, and automobiles, I recently made my way from East Moline, Ill., to Germany
Dec. 3 2018
During last weekend’s holiday, I spent time with my out-of-state cousins. Because of our chatting, I did not make my regular Sunday mass time
Nov. 26 2018
Do you want to reach younger audiences and show them how amazing life is on the farm surrounded by dairy cows? I get jealous just saying that
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Nov. 16 2018
I just got home from Kansas City, Mo., where I attended the Agriculture Future of America (AFA) Leaders Conference
Sept. 14 2018
The most valuable internships leave college students with job experience, mentorship, and life lessons by the end of the summer
July 27 2018
Many people don’t think of dairy farming when they think of Utah. Honestly, what comes to my mind first are mountains and national parks (which after you check out some of their farms, you’ll...
July 23 2018
“Where are our consumers spending time on social media?” I get this question a lot from farmers and dairy industry communication professionals during my training sessions
LTC_Kevin Gierach
July 9 2018
Each spring Lakeshore Technical College holds their annual graduation banquet in Northeast Wisconsin. It is a chance for the students to introduce themselves to the dairy industry and thank their families,...
June 26 2018
I’m one to say that men and women’s role on the dairy farm can be equal. And yet, the differences between genders farming together become very apparent to me in the task of raising a farm family
May 21 2018
It’s not just what we feed calves when they are young, but also how they are fed that will set the stage for their long-term eating behavior
April 27 2018
Writing a résumé was one of the most challenging projects I worked on during my college and high school career
April 19 2018
Caitlin and I have been writing our “Daddy and Daughter Dairy Together” blogs for Hoard’s for a while now
April 4 2018
California, Oregon, and Idaho have set their state maximum somatic cell count standards at 500,000 or less, well below than the national level of 750,000
March 19 2018
What will dairy look like in the future? It was that question that spurred dairy consultant Jack Britt to collaborate with a team of experts to examine dairying in the future